Bellecento Olive Oil Brand Design
The Prompt
To create the brand for a new company based in Florence that is marketing locally made olive oil to clients in the US. The company wanted to stray away from traditional olive oil bottles and green designs, and wanted to incorporate the famous marbled Florentine paper as featured in the design.
My role
Brand Designer & Product Designer
The Logo
By mixing a Sans Serif and Serif font I attempted to capture the traditional aspect of Florence with a modern twist. The stylized B introduces playfulness to the traditional font. The color was pulled from the marble paper used in the design.
Label and Card Design
As the company wanted a white bottle and for it to be really clean in comparison to traditional olive oil bottles. I decided to feature the marbled Florentine paper as a wrap around the bottle with the logo on the top. The gold foil olive leaf on the marble paper brings an element of class and consumers associate gold foil with luxury.
We decided to mirror the label for the card design to keep brand identity strong across both product and print.